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- Want to receive this newsletter to multiple email addresses? Not receiving calls to certain phone numbers? Here's a solution. Over the summer, our student information system, PowerSchool, went through a significant upgrade. One of the changes affected how contact information (phone numbers, email addresses) is stored in PowerSchool, which, in turn, impacted how Connect 5 pulls this information. We have been made aware that some of our families may not be receiving emails to primary, or multiple, email addresses, or possibly calls to certain numbers. These issues can be resolved by setting up a Parent Portal Account in Connect 5. To do this, you will need your child's school ID number to complete the process. Just follow the detailed steps on the attached document. If you previously created an account, it's possible that you need to associate your child to the account, or you may need to update your contact information. The document will walk you through those steps as well. If you have any issues creating or updating your account, please contact your child's school.